
Easter Prizes

We would like to announce that all of the Easter Eggs are filled and are ready to be hunted for Saturday 23rd! We would like to also give you a sneak peak of the Grand Prizes for the Easter Egg Hunt. Some of the Easter Eggs are actually GRAND PRIZE EASTER EGGS. You will know if you find a grand prize Easter Egg buy looking inside and finding a certificate to redeem your prize. Take your certificate to the Grand Prize Table to receive your prize!

Please take a look at some of the fun prizes that your child could win!

Ages 2 and Under:
Explore N Grow ~ Walk N Ride ~ Quad Rider

Ages 3 to 5:
Very Own Kitchen ~ Tot Basketball ~ Super Trike

Ages 6 to 8:
Keyboard ~ Drum Set ~ Scooter

Ages 9 to 10
DJ Kit ~ Acoustic Guitar ~ Scooter
There will be even more prizes available at the Easter Egg Hunt!


  1. Looks super fun! Great prizes!

  2. I'm so glad I found this site! This is exactly the type of information I am looking for to keep my new blog I am starting on things to do, see, and make in Utah county updated.

  3. Great! We are glad that you found our blog! Feel free to post about anything we are doing! :)
